
What are Loaddvni Dryer balls and how do they work? They are wool dryer balls that you put in your clothes dryer to help lift and separate your clothes. Using several Dryer balls creates a constant motion, allowing more air to circulate around your wet laundry so your clothes dry faster. The more dryer balls…

What Do Dryer Balls Do?

If your laundry is taking multiple cycles to dry, it may be helpful to add dryer balls to your next load. Not only do dryer balls help reduce drying times, but they can also reduce clumps in your laundry and prevent wrinkles. Read on to learn more about dryer balls, options and their benefits so…

What Are Dryer Balls and How Do They Compare To Dryer Sheets?

These all-natural, hypoallergenic laundry helpers may be the products you never knew you needed in your life—until now. If it feels like you’re always doing laundry, that’s because you are. The average family does around 300 loads of laundry per year, which equals a lot of washing, drying, and time and money spent to facilitate…

How to Use Dryer Balls?

Dryer balls are the new big thing when it comes to easy, eco-friendly laundry, but how do they actually work? Dryer balls are super simple to use and can dry your laundry faster, take away static cling, and soften your clothes. We’ve put together a handy guide to how dryer balls work, how to use…

Why you should be using dryer balls – 5 reasons the pros love these reusable laundry saviors

Not only do they save you money, but they could be saving your clothing too, experts claim Most of us develop a laundry routine one day and more or less stick to it as we get older, but laundry experts are urging us to switch it up and add dryer balls to our laundry loads…


Dryer balls prevent laundry from clumping together by tumbling between layers and separating fabric. They also soften clothes naturally and decrease drying time. Since the 1970s, traditional dryer sheets have dominated Americans’ laundry rooms. But over the past decade or so, people have embraced a new trick to naturally tame static cling, soften their clothes,…